Tom Van Biesen

Osteopath D.O. MROE 443

Physiotherapist Col. 10419


Osteopathy is a holistic manual medicine .

Holistic means that the body is considered as a unit that contains a physical , chemical and emotional part where structure and function are interdependent.

Osteopathy is based on the anatomy , physiology and biomechanics .

If anatomical structures with decreased mobility, the role of the body are unbalanced .

The / osteopath seeks the cause of this dysfunction and try to restore the body's balance , called homeostasis.

Osteopathy works with all body tissues and fluids .


- The body is a unit .

All (structural, visceral , nervous , vascular , parts

lymphatic, emotional) work together. A dysfunction of one party may affect one another.

- There is a relationship between structure and function.

When the structure changes , the function also changes and vice versa. For example : When tissues near a joint harden (structure) , mobility is decreased ( function).

- There is a mechanism of self -regulation in the body.

The body uses different mechanisms to keep its balance (homeostasis ) and defend against internal and external influences . dysfunction may prevent auto- regulation. To solve dysfunctions balance can be restored .

- The nervous system and the movement of fluids play an essential role in maintaining health .

Decreased mobility of an anatomical structure can affect these systems .


Osteopathy is functional disorders ( diseases ) .

- Back Pain : back pain , back pain, neck pain , sciatica , stiff neck, herniated disc ...

- Headache : Tension pain, migraines ...

- Musculoskeletal disorders: with contractures ,

sports injuries. posturology ...

- Digestive disorders : excess acids , irritable bowel, constipation , flatulence ...

- Genito -urinary disorders: incontinence, menstrual cramps , sexual dysfunction ...

- Respiratory : Hyperventilation , frequent colds , sinusitis ...

- Pediatric disorders: cramps, functional reflux , torticollis ...

- Peri - partum

- Prevention

The / the osteopath has a range of techniques

you can treat people of all ages .


functional rehabilitation

Physical therapy is a paramedical discipline which is intended to restore the human movement.

The / physiotherapist has a range of techniques such as manual techniques (mobilization , massage, stretching ... ) , exercises (strength, stabilization , cardio ... ) , functional training ...

Physical therapy has many specialties such as manual therapy, orthopedic rehabilitation , cardio- respiratory rehabilitation , neurological rehabilitation , pelvic floor therapy , pediatrics , psychiatry ...

Our favorite way to work is a combination of manual techniques and functional rehabilitation , based on demonstrated effectiveness in scientific research.

Directions :

- Post- 1 Sports Injury : e picondilitis , tendonitis , bruises , dislocations ...

- Post- surgical injuries: arthroscopy, hip ...

- Postural problems

- Neurological problems.

Physiotherapy 35 € Session

Osteopathy: 1st visit : 60 €

Next : 50 €